Keynote Speaker

Assoc. Prof. Sergio Peña-Neira
Universidad Mayor, ChileSpeech Title: Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy: Policy Problems
Abstract: Public Policy has focused on one of the key problems of the XXIth Century, climate change and the effects on biodiversity and human beings. One possibility to confront adverse effects of climate change is to change sources of energy for renewable form and particularly focusing in the Ocean. However, it is necessary to focus on the institutions and possible problems derived from various sources. Two problems have to be tackled, jurisdiction and environment. On one hand countries have rights on parts of the Oceans. Oceans are not global commons as many have pointed out. Do these rights interfere with the production of energy of Ocean origin? On the other hand, are we considering environmental requirements for the construction or establishment of plants producing renewable energy? It does not make sense to create energy provoking new environmental problems.
Biography: My field of expertise is in the area of public policy and law related to climate change and biodiversity. Ocean renewable energy is one of the possibilities to diminish the effects of energy on the change of the climate and the loss of biodiversity. Dr. Peña-Neira has studied the topic of climate change and biodiversity since his studies in Chile on the topic of the adverse effects of climate change and later in the Netherlands (University of Amsterdam) and Tokyo (United Nations University). Peña-Neira obtained his Ph.D. in 2014 in Universidad Internacional de Andalucía and later he has continued his research in England (King´s College London, The Yeoh Tiong Lay Centre for Politics, Philosophy and Law, mentored by Professor Joseph Raz and the University of Cambridge, Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law). Today he is Associate Professor at the Law School of Universidad del Mar, Chile and Associate Researcher of the Research Centre for Society and Health of the same university. As well he has been member of the Chilean Society of Public Policy and the Chilean Society of International Law. Finally, Dr. Peña-Neira has publications in books, journals and newspapers related to international and comparative public policy, law, and environment.